The Communications Industry is going through a period of significant, fundamental change as a result of consolidations, the introduction of next-generation networks, the demand for new, convergent services, the need for shorter time-to-market, as well as intense competitive pressure. As a result, each project a Communications Service Provider (CSP), like the big Chilean based companies Entel, Ericsson, etc, undertakes is becoming more complex because it is likely to require a comprehensive business transformation. This, in turn, requires careful end-to-end planning and management, a high level of transformational expertise, and best practices that are not typically available in-house or from generic SIs. In this environment, CSPs must be able to obtain a comprehensive set of services, including an initial analysis of short- to mid-range business needs, a comprehensive business case and program roadmap, actual implementation, and finally, operations and maintenance — together with the option to have managed services or full end-to-end outsourcing. To help service providers achieve these objectives, NetCracker brings to the Chilean market a team of seasoned professionals with deep telecom expertise as the foundation of its end-to-end professional services. MundoChile provided its professional simultaneous interpretation services in English and Spanish for this 2 day seminar and meetings, supporting the correct development of the sessions, and applying their high level IT knowledge.