On May 27, 2014, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Heraldo Muñoz, opened the international seminar "Decentralized Cooperation and Integration between Regions and Cities: New Challenges for the Bilateral Relation between Chile and China" at the Chancellery. One of the seminar most immediate objectives was providing an institutional framework for relations between municipalities of Chile and China through the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between AChM and AAPCHE. The seminar sought to contribute to diversifying links between both countries’ communities, and results will provide new elements that will enrich Chilean foreign policy regarding China People’s Republic. Currently, China is Chile main trade partner, and it concentrates 25% of our country total exports, which in 2013 exceeded 19 billion dollars. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs commissioned MundoChile with the important task of coordinating a team of 12 consecutive and simultaneous interpreters in the combination Mandarin Chinese – Spanish for the plenary assembly and all parallel meetings and meeting and dialogue tables held during the Chinese delegation visit to Chile.