An average of 800 bi-lateral meetings and more than one thousand participants in the plenary session marked the holding of ProChile Exporters Meeting, with the presence of the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Alfredo Moreno; former Central Bank President, Mr. Vittorio Corbo; economist Alejandro Ruelas-Gossi; and Mr. Saul Singer, co-author of the book “Start-Up Nation: The Story of Israel’s Economic Miracle”. Enexpro is the most important event for the Chilean exporter sector which, in its plenary session, gathered more than one thousand entrepreneurs who were invited to “leave their zones” in order to promote their business internationalization, diversify their exportable offer destinations, and innovate through a higher value-added offer in order to be more competitive in the world. During Enexpro opening, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Alfredo Moreno, highlighted Chile export policy and the country advancements in its trade insertion thanks to the solid network of 22 agreements signed with 60 countries, “which allow us the a privileged access to a market of 4.3 billion inhabitants, who are 62% of the world population and equivalent to 86% of the world GDP”. Once more, MundoChile had the opportunity to provide its simultaneous translation services during this important meeting delivering, as usual, the highest quality service.