Traducción de documentos - Interpretación simultánea y consecutiva - Cursos de idiomas

Patch Adams in Chile


The third version of ENANDES, Caja de Compensación Los Andes Corporate Conference was held on May 16 at Casapiedra under the title “Happiness and Quality of Life”, with the participation of outstanding international personalities such as Patch Adams, the famous United States physician and activist, Tal Ben-Shahar, doctor in psychology, and Jesús Alava; all of them addressed the essence of happiness and quality of life from their own standpoints. A conversation panel formed by sociologist Fernando Villegas; actress Delfina Guzmán; organizational psychologist Claudio Ibáñez, and youth leader Giorgio Jackson, debated on Chileans happiness model. The event brought together entrepreneurs, executives, workers, authorities, and opinion leaders and addressed, from these experts standpoints, questions such as which are the factors determining people's happiness? Are we conscious of its important role in our country growth? Furthermore, UNO first World Report on Happiness was analyzed, which places Chile in place 43 in the world and 12 in Latin America. This meeting main purpose was spreading recommendations based on evidence on how to measure happiness in a valid, reliable, and efficient way that matches international standards so that it significantly contributes to a healthy, profitable, and sustainable growth in Chile. In this occasion, MundoChile had the opportunity to provide simultaneous interpretation services to the outstanding international speakers during every lecture, private meeting, and press conference of the seminar.

Patch Adams

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