15th International Congress of Behavioral Medicine
Researchers from 47 countries expounded seven hundred works on topics such as obesity, cancer, stress, HIV, healthy lifestyles, and the power of music in health, among many others. The role of psychology was shown to be significant in overcoming general health problems, going beyond mental health issues.
The conference was organized by the International Society of Behavioral Medicine (ISBM), chaired by Frank J. Penedo, and the Chilean Society of Behavioral Medicine and Health Psychology, whose president is Eliana Guic, professor at Universidad Católica’s School of Psychology. The event was sponsored by the U.S. National Cancer Institute and Chile’s Health Ministry,
The event considered simultaneous interpretation provided by MundoChile working in 8 parallel rooms, who with their work supported all of the speakers’ presentations, as well as in the roundtable discussions and posters which showed the effectiveness of new interdisciplinary interventions in maintaining and promoting health, as well as preventing and treating diseases, thus raising the issues for professionals and researchers throughout the region.
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