Traducción de documentos - Interpretación simultánea y consecutiva - Cursos de idiomas

4th Global Forum «Business for Gender Equality: The Future of Work and the 2030 Agenda»


27-28 February 2018, Crowne Plaza Hotel

The 4th Global Forum Business for Gender Equality: the Future of Work and the 2030 Agenda was co-organized by the Chilean Government, the United National Development Program, the International Labour Union and UN Women.

The forum brought together over 400 corporate leaders, governments, academia, unions and civil society from over 25 countries to share innovative practices for bridging gender gaps in the workplace and to highlight the role of the private sector as a key player for advancing gender equality, empowering women and achieving more inclusive working environments in order to work toward achieving the 2030 Agenda.

The event was inaugurated by the President of the Republic Michelle Bachelet, United Nations officials and other global leaders.

The Gender Equality Seal was one of the predominant issues at this forum. This seal helps large and small companies and organizations to create working environments where the contributions of men and women are valued on an equal basis. Over 600 companies and over 1,700 sites in Latin America have been certified, considering the certification of business units corresponding to the same organization in a multi-site layout.

The 4th Forum provided continuity for discussions and commitments made during the 3rd Business for Gender Equality Global Forum that was co-organized by the UNDP and the Government of Panama in November 2016, which brought together over 450 government participants, private companies, academia, unions and civil society from 24 countries.

MundoChile provided English-Spanish and French-Spanish simultaneous interpreting services at this important event.

Equality Forum

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